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166 Game Reviews

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When it couldn't get any better...

There's games. There's long, but boring games. This is one of those long games that can keep you occupied for hours and leave you feeling addicted and not bored one bit.

The only slight complaints i have...
The money magnet gets really screwy on slower computers. When the screen fills up, all I'll see is all the money circling around my mouse curser, without banking most of it.
The other one...you should get the city locations right, lol. Tokyo is in the middle of Japan, Osaka is toward the south, Fukuoka is in the very south. :P And Thailand isn't "Indo-China," lol. ...And, for some reason, all the citizens in China are black, lol.


SPARTA!! This game is so funny, I can't stop laughing even as i type Shout Sparta! at the final boss and he explodes, lmao!! 10/10...SPARTAAAAAA!!!!!

Great game but poorly executed

This game offers a top down shooter, with great game mechanics, but offers little else.

The difficulty in this game is INSANELY difficult. Being a fan of top down shooters, this game's extremely difficult, even for me. For one, the amount of enemy health is astronomical, compared to your ships. Even then, some of the enemies either move much faster than your ship, or offer (literally) no way to dodge their attack. Whereas, a few of your ships will die from about 3 or 4 hits.

Be prepared to spend hours upon hours (probably in the 40+ range) playing this game, if you decide you want to play till the end. No flash game should take that long to complete, UNLESS it's a massively epic game with great replayability. This game is far from that, as it offers no upgrade system and a strenuously long, droned out system of leveling.

Again, great game mechanics, and something to do if you have hours of free time on your hands, but the difficulty and amount of time required for this game really turns it off for me.


Something something something dark siidddeee!

...Something something something completee!

You managed to listen to complaints about this game, fix all of those complaints and make the game a WHOLE lot better (than the original) in the process! This is fantastic! I can't wait for the World Domination edition! ...and I hope there's many many many upgrades in that one, too. :)

Zombie Santa = WIN!

Great game with minor bug complaint

I love this game! I've always wanted to play the zombie. :) It's very challenging and has great replayability.

As for the bug, I notice when you max out your money collector (the magnet thing), the initial virus spread radius (when you first click to infect) gets reduced to a minimum. I'd click on a dense area and only about 2 people would get infected.

Fun game!

I really liked the demo after 100% completion, too!

29-0B-1A-12-06-0D-9F-B3-10-3E-0C-1E-0 2-D8-F7-8D

Pretty nice and short

About 2 levels in this game and that's about it...short and somewhat fun. On a side note, my first score was 1337, haha...

Not really music producing at all

All you do when you play this game is increase or lower the volume on a bunch of prerecorded loops he's made beforehand. ...That's about it.

Great way to get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

I like this, game, it's very unique, but not enough to play through with a sore wrist. I wish you implemented an option to make simple controls. (single key kick and punch) This game very pretty boring because all you're doing is fighting more and more of the same zombie on every floor, constantly shaking your mouse, with your wrist, the whole game. 7/10

Age 41, Male


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