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82 Movie Reviews

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Hahah, well done!

Finally a movie that's worth watching with an actual plot, nice job!

Love the interactivity

Hallarious stuff on each channel, loved it! I Found a few secret channels, but I'm not telling. ;] It's just...u need to find them in order to understand a bit of the movie, hehe.

Nicely done.

Except for those cheesy orcs...why the hell did you have to make them orcs. It just blew the whole mindset of the movie and made it into a fantasy.


LOL! I got all the 5 secrets!!! So funny, u deserve fiven!

Great movie...

...but I didn't really find it funny much...just a few chuckles here and there. Besides that, great artwork, and AWSOME voice acting! The voice acting is the way it SHOULD be done on Newgrounds, I never had to adjust the volume one bit between voice acting and music...it was all at the same pitch. Also, I loved the artwork you put into this. It was a bit too...ehh..G rated for me though for me to really laugh about it. Anyways man, keep up the good work, you have a really good future ahaid of you if you do.

Is that it...?

Awsome artwork! But...what a short movie! I was expecting a whole lot more! Also, you need to fix the volumes on the music and the voices too... I'd need to turn up my speakers a whole lot for the voice acting, then when the music comes around, it would blast on my speakers then I'd have to turn it down again...I kept having to adjust the volume on my speakers to get the jist of what everyone was saying. Good work...though...fix the sound and make it longer.


You just made me realize how shitty my life is right now...lol. Thanks for bummin me out d00d!

Awsome but lacking

I'd like to say you have some major art talent! The graphics were really well done! Even though the voice talent wasn't that bad...it wasn't that good either. You guys need to work on the voice acting a bit because in some parts of this movie it sounded almost emotionless, like you're just reading a script. Another example would be when that main charactor starts yelling, he sounds all quiet n shit when he's supposed to be angry. Make him sound like he's constipated or has PMS or something when he's doin that. Otherwise...pretty short movie, work on the plot a bit, work on the voice acting, great great animation and flash talent (this is what brought up your score).

Good but...

Nicely made movie, but...I've already hard the mp3 for this like 2 years ago. The sound in this movie's pretty much stolen, but nice 8-bit artwork.

Age 41, Male


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