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Pretty funny

Actually, the smoke didn't kill, it started from that anti-smoker throwing a rock at the smokers, that's what killed. As for LittlePigBoy, you take things WAY too seriously. this movie was meant to be funny, not as a serious message. Lighten up and get that brick out of your ass for once.

Very interesting

Just out of curiosity...was this movie about drugs? I noticed the girl swallowed a pill in the movie. Then a guy changing into a monster? I kind of get the feeling this movie is about tripping out and what happens to you after you do the drugs (wind up in a mental institute). Anyways, I loved it, it's a work of art.


Good animation, good music (I don't listen to rock though, and I could tell the song wasn't made live either, it was all synthed). As far as the blend of movie and music...I didn't feel hyped or angry or whatver point the movie was trying to bring across. I just sat there like..=|. I didn't feel the music with the movie, sorry.


I loved the voice acting in this, only...you should have not spoken loudly into the mic a few times...because it caused the sound to static and sound weird. My only complaint is whoever did the voice acting for megaman should have sounded a bit more serious...it sounded like he was reading from a script or something with no emotion. However...whoever did the voice acting for Samus did a remarkable job. She should become a professional voice actor or something. The graphics were also nicely done, for the charactors, and the movie was long. So, I had to give you props for that. Great movie!

Great animation/music combo!

I'm a big fan of Basketball, and the music blends perfectly with the animation! Great job bro!

IaMI2002 responds:

which team u like??


Um...why does the guy have the face of Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin and the body of Vincent from FF7? The girl is also Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion. 0.o...

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