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82 Movie Reviews

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Great educational movie

Great movie, but there are a few reviewers out there spreading misinformation, again. Yes, I've tried it and quit it because I enjoy being aware of what I'm doing, but people should at least know about the facts before they judge it.

"Marijuana causes schitzophrenia and paranoia"

This is a half truth that a few reviewers are saying. However, what they fail to mention is the time frame. The induced "high," does indeed cause paranoia and schitzophrenia based thoughts...but only when the person still has a "high."

Taken from the "About" website, relating to a study that marijuana might cause schitzophrenia:

"These symptoms included suspiciousness, unusual thoughts, paranoia, thought disorder, blunted affect, reduced spontaneity, reduced interaction with the interviewer, and problems with memory and attention. THC also induced euphoria and increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. There were no side effects in the study participants one, three and six months after the study."

In other words, the effects of weed was studied when a test subject was high. None of those effects were shown, one, three, and six months after the study.


I used to play Double Dragon all the time when I was a kid. I even used to watch the cartoon series. Great representation. Though, the cheap laughs weren't really funny. The movie reminded me what it was like to kick the crap out of every enemy in the game...expecially with that "dragon knee" move. Anyhow, good work.

rebaz responds:

men where did you seen the cartoons i realy need to see em, if they are somewhere downloadable =((torrent )
please mail me i'm not kidding....i'f been searching SOOOO lang for those cartoons , anyway men glad ya liked it =D!!



This movie isn't meant to be all flowery and whatever. It is SUPPOSED to be disturbing. If you DO NOT LIKE to see DISTURBING MOVIES, please do not watch this and rate it. There is a story much deeper than just the violence. If you just see it for just violence, you are a very dense minded person. Even without all the violence, I'm sure most of you couldn't even draw 1 FRAME from this movie, let alone the WHOLE 5 minute movie. It's obvious that he did put in a ton of work into this movie.

Some of you guys just rate it 0 because you can't stand the violence, without even considering the effort put into it. Please, if you vote, don't be a pansey. Consider all the aspects of a movie.


Nice tribute to Naruto. I coulda sworn that song was by Glay. BTW, where's the Kancho in this? xD

It was good

I just couldn't stand the big eyes. The eyes look like two big testi...ehh I'll keep this review PG rated. Yeah, it was good.

Yeah it was good

..but come on, I don't think it deserves that high of a score. Yeah, sure, a flower bloomed and loost it's petals. Wow, very original. (sarcasm here) Flowers seem to always be used in life and death. Then a guy with a skateboard comes along then throws it at the fairy guy that keeps crying. Fairy guy flies away and skateboard guy dies. WOW, a TRULY inspirational film!! (sarcasm again) It was good, but people are very much overrating this movie.

"Loved it. We need more stuff like this on Newgrounds."

"An amazing display of animation prowess that combines something truly meaningful with great production values, a combination rarely seen."

"It was a beautiful film."

"Really wonderful piece. I wish NG had more like this."

Come on! Are you serious?! What has Newgrounds become?? It used to be a very controversial site where you could play games to kill celebrities and had demented/twisted parodies on it. Its motto was even "Problems of the future, TODAY!". Then I see users trying to be intelligent by labeling a movie a "masterpiece" or "bravo, truly an inspiration". Seriously, I wonder what has become of the old Newgrounds.

I remember the Clock Crew was made just to piss people off with their twisted movies. Even they have been warped into soft, emotional characters meant to appease the crowd. The old Newgrounds is long gone, it should be renamed to "Artgrounds". Newbies have overrun Newgrounds, not even understanding what Newgrounds was about.

Great work!

LOVED the voice acting, it certainly is a rarity to have great voice acting in flash. In this flash movie, it has the best voice acting I've ever heard in a flash movie before. Certainly professional quality. You guys should really apply to a cartoon or gaming company to become voice actors. Loved this movie as well, very in depth, lots of story, lots of action, great graphics, great voice acting, what more do you need? Loved it.

Make this into a game!!

This would be a GREAT intro to a videogame!

Age 41, Male


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