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13 Audio Reviews

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This song is so f'king awesome . ...I want...your Jew Gold! That was so unexpected, lol.


This is top notch quality! The lead synth you use has such a rich, full sound..it's fking epic!

It's alright

I'd rate it higher if you added more around the lead melody, though. The Nexus preset you build your song around is really overused.

SolusLunes responds:

Ah, and there you are wrong.

I don't even have Nexus. :D

Sick arp for your bass line

The only thing I would change is the cheesy saw lead that comes in at about 1:25. You need a bit of a stronger, meatier saw if you know what I mean. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what synths/VSTi's did you use for this? Nice song!

Spiriax responds:

Hmm, you're the first one telling me that. I dunno if I understand really, but my main music isn't originally the "commercial" type of trance, I usually do a little psy-ish so it could get a little weird. Some instruments really are badly picked.

Lemme' check.. (it's made in Fruity Loops but you maybe knew that)
- The bass is just some random synth that I found through another random sample song, containing a 3Xosc synth and a wave sample. Since I didn't find it myself I can't really tell what it is. xD
- The "cheesy" saw lead is a Sytrus synth called "Silver Saw". It's also Silver Saw at the build-up at 2:44.
- All guitar melodies are just the synth Slayer.
- The opening string lead is also a Sytrus synth called "Razor Lead".
That's it, basically. And a bunch of random stuff, but that's the main synths. I don't think I used any 3-party VST's in this one.


Rap style a rip off of Deltron 3030

...Almost exactly identical, too. The sequence of rhymes, etc etc are the same, too.

Scribbler responds:

Your review makes me sad. When I am sad, my eyes get watery.

Love it

Did you do everything yourself? Even the guitar? I think the guitar really made the song. It reminded me of flying overseas to Asia and seeing all the beautiful beaches with family. Great song, but the ending is a bit dark with the analog/saw sounding pad.

DomesticTerrorist responds:

Yep, I sliced the guitar out of a jam session I did a while back :D

Love the song, but hate that cheesy lead

The song is well put together, but you should have used a piano or something of the sort with a bit of release, or reverb on it, instead of a flat square (think that's what you used), with no real effects on it.

Nice song, but needs sounds mastering

You really need to work the sound mastering in this song, man. Lessen the volume on the bass, equalize the sound out, etc, because the sound clips out (maxes out) a lot and it's a bit annoying. Nice chord progression, and flow to this song, though.

bgong responds:

I think it might have something to do with the quality i had to upload it on. I know exactly what you mean, I'm working on the mastering a little, and getting the newest version on my site with the rest of my tracks at http://www.humblevoice.com/bobbyj

Can't stand the high pitched saw patches.

Alright song, but you really overdid the saw leads. ...Can't stand trance becoming a huge saw fest. Trance is supposed to be innovative, not sound like the next song over.

PERVOK responds:

Please, look at the submit date.

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